Monday 16 June 2008

Micreation- Eli Platt

Dave Jacobs the man behind Micreation has put up a couple of high quality HD edits online, one by Brad Simms and one by Eli Platt. The Brad Simms section is $2 to view and download and the Eli Platt one is free to view after you sign up. The quality is second to none and the riding is solid as well. It will be interesting to see if other videographers and editers follow Micreation's lead by making pay per view videos only available online as DVD sales continue to drop and more and more grainy images of their hard work  end up on Youtube and Google soon after release. After all if the rider and filmer are going to all that trouble and effort don't they deserve a fair return? Plus, no one likes a knock off Nigel now do they?!

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