Monday 7 July 2008


Located in the Primary School at the top of Sandyford, the bank has been tarmaced  and is pretty good- better if you carve right to left though. There is a curb at the bottom that makes it good for manual into/out of wallride too. The school is easy to get into you just have to jump over the stone perimeter fence and bobs your uncle. When we were in there this busy body knob head kept trying to take our photos, think we were a bit old for him though, creepy nonce twat.
'1 up!!' Scott Taylor, Wallride to table in between rain showers


Tom Finch said...

me and cooper went there tonite... turns out it was my old nursery! hahaha pretty good spot though, gate was open and got no hassle!


Any kids there that I can fiddle??

Wallride booster gnar