Friday 14 December 2007

nothing in particular

sweet bejeezus I'm feeling like a badgers arse today. Went out at 5pm last night, there was a free bar at the Carling Academy until 730pm (!). Needless to say I took full advantage (of the buffet also) and then moved to North Bar until midnight. Even the canteens sausage and chips hasn't pulled me out of this vegetative state. Anyway the weather is coming in super cold now, its a bitch trying to ride when the tip of your nose is blue and you cant feel your feet, I nearly knacked myself riding into work today with all the ice. Unfortunately I'm still not online at home so I continue to do these meagre updates from work. I have some spots lined up over the coming weeks to document though (weather permitting). In the meantime buy Daft Punk Alive 2007, its unreal!

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